Monday, July 25, 2011

Je vais en Suisse!

In case you don't understand French, the title of this blog translates to, "I'm going to Switzerland!"

I think that's what it means, anyway. I'm a little rusty.

But it's true! I booked the trip yesterday. My parents had a week at a timeshare resort that was going to expire in January. They weren't going to use it, so they donated it to me. Can you believe the generosity? Well, I had the choice of hundreds of resorts around the world, and after hours of searching for the right place, I decided on a tiny resort town called Champoussin in the canton of Valais. I am pretty freakin' excited.

The trip isn't until October, so it's going to be a long wait. Boyfriend and I are arriving on October 1st and leaving on the 8th. October is sort of a weird time of year to go to Switzerland, apparently, because people mostly like to enjoy summer hiking or winter skiing. But, since it's already summer and since the trip must be used by January and since I have zero interest in skiing, we'll be going in autumn. There won't be many tourists, and it will be cool but not freezing. I hope there will be lots of sight-seeing, cheese eating, wine drinking, and relaxing.

I think that Switzerland sounded so good because we're in the middle of an outrageous heatwave here in Richmond. Mexico or the Bahamas sound kind of unbearable when it's 100 degrees. I think I'll still like the idea in October, too.

So, I'm going to spend the next two months vigorously planning our trip, boning up on French language and European geography, and fantasizing about what staying in this little town for a week might be like. Exciting, right?

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