I was supposed to write this yesterday, but I went to
Station 2 and had a couple beers and a veggie burger for dinner, and thus I lost all motivation to do anything. While I digested that enormous greasy meal, I did watch The King's Speech. It WAS a good movie! I wonder if the book it's based on is any good.
Anyway, the topic of this post is DAY 2 IN SWITZERLAND.
Based on something the owner of the resort told us, we decided to drive to a nearby city called Martigny to see the Combat des Reines. This is a festival involving cows that fight in an ancient Roman amphitheater to display their dominance. The winner gets a sort of parade and a very big bell to wear around her neck. It's not like Spanish bull fight or anything. It's what the cows would do naturally in their pastures. So this sounded like a fun time and we wanted to check it out.
Well we got to Martigny and found a public parking lot. There was a map in the lot, and so we stared at it for a while but didn't understand where anything was. After a few minutes, all these people had gathered in a big group in a parking lot. A little train that was not a train but more like tractor pulling some rolling cars for passengers, pulled into the parking lot, and the crowd of people loaded into the cars. I said, "let's get on the train!" Boyfriend was hesitant, but he followed me.
I figured the train was going to take us to the Combats des Reines, right? Well, we rolled through a beautiful medieval city center and up a mountain. It was a little scary because the turns were very tight and we were riding on little trailers behind a tractor. But it was fun. And when the train stopped, we were at a medieval fortress on top of a mountain. The train tractor driver told me that he'd be back to pick everyone up, so we got out to explore the castle.
When we got inside the castle, there was huge crowd of people and some of them were coming out from inside the castle with plates of food. We were hungry at this point, and I was down with eating some of the food, but we really did not understand what was happening in this place. There was a sign that said the plate of food was 25 francs (that's like $22). People were eating cheese, bread, pickles, grapes, roasted chestnuts, and they were drinking wine. Boyfriend wanted to leave, and I couldn't really argue for why to stay other than it seemed like fun to
me, so we left and waited for the train to come back. This all sounds like a waste of time, and mostly is was, but riding on the little tractor train was kind of fun, we got to see the medieval city center, and the views from the top of the mountain were pretty impressive.
View from the top of the mountain in Martigny. |
We rode the train back down the mountain and stared at the map again for a while and walked in the direction where the believed the Combats des Reines to be. We arrived at a big gate in front of a space with all these buildings and food stands, and it looked like a festival was happening inside. Again, we didn't understand what was going on. It cost some money to go in. I don't remember how much, 12 francs maybe. So we paid the money at the gate and we went in. Inside, we bought some roasted chestnuts (chestnuts are a big deal here apparently), and we ate them. They were good. Then we wandered around the buildings and tents and realized that this was not where we wanted to be. They were selling things, like flooring, kitchen appliances, telephone service, wine, and an endless number of products that we did not want. We left, grumpy that we had paid money to get in. We were also hungry and thirsty which made the grumpy factor even worse.
Well, we wandered around for quite a while before we found the amphitheater and the Combat des Reines. I asked several people where to go but their directions were not very good (I won't blame my weak French language skills). When we got to the amphitheater, it was crowded. We tried to go in and we were told we had to buy a ticket. It was 20 francs per person to watch the cows fight. Hungry and tired, we decided not to pay that much to see the Combats des Reines. This is a decision I regret now, because I really wanted to see what was going on in there... but we felt too exhausted to handle any more confusion. By this time, it was 4 pm, all the cafes had closed, and we decided to head toward home.
Before we left though, I did get to see some of the cows waiting to go into the amphitheater. They are some pretty impressive beasts. Remember, these are female!
Cows waiting for the Combat des Reines |
She looks like a winner to me. |
We made up for a stressful day in Martigny when we got back to Champoussin. We drank a lot and ate a lot of fondue and then fell asleep at 8:30. Fondue is like heaven in your mouth.
Next time: Chillon Castle.